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kid portraits


Kid Portraits

(signup button is below)

  • Kid Portrait Mini Sessions are held in Crystal Lake, IL. in my home studio. 

  • These can be regular kid portraits, holiday themed, and family.  However you want them!

  • Sessions will be all inclusive and cost $250 for first child, and $75 for each additional child.  Family portraits add on is $50

  • Sessions will last up to 10 minutes per child.  Children will stand in front of a white backdrop (no props unless needed for age) to get the above look. Children can act silly, serious, or as smiley as they can be...the more personality they show, the more authentic!  Please bring child's favorites to help get that personality to shine (stuffed animals, treats, songs to dance to, shows to watch, etc...) Hopefully with 10 minutes, they can warm up to the idea of being in the "spotlight" (literally) :)

  • Holiday themed backdrop is an option! If you'd prefer this, please include in your session request.  They will be very simple holiday touches. 

  • Sessions include all images taken during the session,  edited high resolution BLACK & WHITE images per child which will be sent electronically, including a print release.

  • Sibling pictures will also be taken and will be included in your gallery.

  • Family add-on option is possible! +$50  

  • This is a BLACK & WHITE mini session only.  All galleries will be in black and white ONLY (no color)

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